Food Journey Details

Quick Link Name
Food tracker
Main Page Food Scores Explained
Food scores explained
Main Page How to Earn Points
How to earn points
Main Page About Food Tracker
About food tracker
Progress Bar Title
Average monthly score
Progress Bar Description
photos taken
No Data
No data
Have Date
Average score
Progress Bar Healthy Range
Healthy range
Food Photos Tab Name
Food photos
Earned Points Tab Name
Food score
Food Photos Empty Title
Earn scores for good food
Link to Food Score
Upload a photo of your meal and we’ll give it a food score between 1 and 5
Link to Food Score Part 1
Upload a photo of your meal and we'll
Link to Food Score Part 2
give it a food score between 1 and 5.
Link to Food Score Explained
Link to Food Score Explained Part 1
Link to Food Score Explained Part 2
Earned Points Empty Title
Get started to find out your food score
Earned Points Empty SubTitle
You've got to show us your meal to get the food score.
Earned Points Empty SubTitle Part 1
You've got to show us your meal to get
Earned Points Empty SubTitle Part 2
the food score.
Earned Points Food Score
Food score of
Take Photo Title
Take a photo of your meal
Take Photo SubTitle
It should be fully in-frame, well-lit and clear.
Take Photo Select Album
Select from your album
Take Photo Button Text
Take photo
Skip Button Label
Analyze Button Label
Analyse meal
Form Label
Tell us what you ate
Go to Food Tracker
Explore food tracker
Analyzing Title
Analysing by AI…
Analyzing SubTitle
Once your score is ready, we’ll update your food tracker. Stay here to see your score, or explore the app while waiting.
Percent Completed
{{percentage}}% completed
See Past Entries
See past entries
Very Healthy
Very Healthy
Very Unhealthy
Very unhealthy
Scored On
Scored on

Food Journey Additional Information

Food Tracker Explained Body
Your food score tells you if your meal is healthy and how often to eat it.
Food Score Very Unhealthy Title
Very unhealthy
Food Score Unhealthy Title
Food Score Average Title
Food Score Healthy Title
Food Score Very Healthy Title
Very Healthy
Food Score Very Unhealthy Body
Looks like it's high in bad fats, salt or sugar. Avoid food like this.
Food Score Unhealthy Body
It's not too bad but still high in bad fats, salt or sugar. Eat very little of this.
Food Score Average Body
This could be better. You need less of bad fats, salt and sugar. Eat twice a week max.
Food Score Healthy Body
This looks good. You can eat it quite often if you keep an eye on the fats, salt and sugar.
Food Score Very Healthy Body
You can eat this daily. It's full of good fats and low in salt and sugar.
Take Photo Modal Instructions Title
How to take your photo
Take Photo Modal Instructions SubTitle
We can’t give you a food score if we can’t tell what’s in your photo. Here are some tips to help you get it right the first time.
Take Photo Modal Instructions 1
No blurry photos
Take Photo Modal Instructions 2
Just food. No people.
Take Photo Modal Instructions 3
We only want to see your plate, not the whole table.
Take Photo Modal Instructions 4
Remove packaging. We need to see your meal.
Take Photo Modal Wrong Photo Title
When your photo's not quite right
Take Photo Modal Wrong Photo SubTitle
Instead of a food score, you'll see something that looks like this
Take Photo Modal Wrong Photo Output Title
That doesn't look like food to us
Take Photo Modal Wrong Photo Output SubTitle
We can't see what your meal is. Take a new photo and try again.
Earn Points Title
Eat well for points
Earn Points SubTitle
Show us your meal and we'll give it a food score from 1 - 5 based on how healthy it is.
Your Score Title
Your score
Your Score SubTitle
A high scores gets you points
Daily Maximum
Daily Maximum
Get up to
Get up to
Five Points Label
4 - 5
Zero Points Label
1 - 3
Track Your Meals Title
Track your meals
Track Your Meals Body
Take photos of your plate at each meal. When you eat, we want to see it.
Show Meal Title
Show us your meals
Show Meal Body
Send us your photo and we'll give it a food score
Earn Meal Title
Learn to eat healthier
Earn Meal Body
Upload your meal photos and our AI will give you a food score.
Next Button
Skip Button
Get Started Button
Get started
Report An Issue
Report an issue
Report Title
We’re on it
Report SubTitle
Thanks for telling us that. Your feedback helps us improve.
Report Issue Title
Think we got it wrong?
Report Issue SubTitle
Talk to us. Report your issue and we'll get better over time.

Food Journey Hints and Errors

Try Again
Try Again
Image Size Error Title
That's too big
Image Size Error Text
Make sure your photo’s under 5MB.
Aspect Error Title
That’s the wrong dimension
Aspect Error Text
Keep the width to height ratio under 6:1.
File Format Error Title
That's the wrong format
File Format Error Text
Please make sure the the image is JPEG.
Invalid Image Error Title
Invalid Image
Size Aspect Error
Image is invalid, make sure it is under 5MB, and the width to height ratio is under 6:1.
Size File Error
Image is invalid, make sure it is under 5MB, and that the format is JPEG.
File Aspect Error
Image is invalid, make sure that the width to height ratio is under 6:1 and that the format is JPEG.
All Error
Image is invalid, make sure it is under 5MB, the width to heigh ratio is under 6:1 ,and that the format is JPEG.
Upload Error Title
Upload failed
Upload Error SubTitle
Upload has failed, please try again
Uploaded Success Title
Your food score is ready
Uploaded Action Title
Photo Error Beverage Title
Your photo is not food but beverage.
Photo Error Beverage Sub Title
Take a new photo and try again.
Photo Error Duplicate Photo Title
The same photo has been submitted to Holmusk system before.
Photo Error Duplicate Photo Sub Title
Take a new photo and try again.
Photo Error Not A Food Title
That doesn’t look like food to us.
Photo Error Not A Food Sub Title
We can’t see what your meal is. Take a new photo and try again.
Photo Error Unidentifiable Title
We are unable to identify food from your photo.
Photo Error Unidentifiable Sub Title
Take a new photo and try again.