Vitality Programme Privacy Statement

Vitality Programme Privacy Statement

Amendments to this Privacy Statement

Amendments to this Privacy Statement
We may amend this Privacy Statement from time to time. If we decide to change our Vitality Programme Privacy Statement, we will publish any changes or variations of Vitality Programme on the AIA Vitality App at the minimum 14 (fourteen) days prior to the effective date of the revision. If the changes are significant, we shall notify Member and Policy Owner(s) by Correspondence.
If you have any objection with any changes or variations to the Vitality Programme Privacy Statement, you may terminate your membership in accordance with Section 10 (Termination of Membership) in Vitality Programme Terms and Conditions.

Additional Information

Additional Information
Should you have any questions on any part of this Vitality Programme Privacy Statement or would like additional information regarding PT AIA FINANCIAL data privacy policies and practices, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Inconsistency in wordings

Inconsistency in wordings
Should any conflict arise between the Bahasa Indonesia language version of these Privacy Statement and the English version hereof, the Bahasa Indonesia version shall prevail. In the event of any dispute, PT AIA FINANCIAL reserves the right of final decision
Should any discrepancies or conflict arise between the terms governed in Vitality Programme Terms of Conditions, Terms of Use of AIA Vitality App, Vitality Programme Privacy Statement, Vitality Programme Benefit Guides, and other rules related to Vitality Programme, PT AIA FINANCIAL reserves the right to determine the prevailing rules within a reasonable endeavour.

Governing law and jurisdiction

Governing law and jurisdiction
The Vitality Programme Privacy Statement will be governed by the laws of Indonesia and the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the South Jakarta District Court.


Capitalised terms used but otherwise not defined in this Vitality Programme Privacy Statement shall have the meaning ascribed to them in the Vitality Programme Terms and Conditions.
The Vitality Programme is an incentivised health and wellness programme administered and distributed by us to Policy Owners and/or Life Insureds in Indonesia aimed at providing knowledge, motivation and serving as a tool to help assist the Life Insureds towards leading a healthier, longer, better lives. We will need to collect, use and share certain personal data about you in order for us to provide you access to the Vitality Programme and its related services.
Customers and potential customers expect us to maintain their information accurately, protected against manipulation and errors, secure from theft and free from unwarranted disclosure. We protect our customer’s and potential customer’s data by complying with all relevant local laws and ensure compliance by our staff with strict standards of security and confidentiality.
This Vitality Programme Privacy Statement applies to and binds you in your participation in the Vitality Programme in Indonesia.
This statement provides you with notice as to why your personal data is collected, how it is intended to be used, to whom your personal data may be provided, from whom your personal data may be collected and how to access, review and amend your personal data. The provision of your personal data is voluntary, you may choose not to provide us with the requested data, but failure to do so may prevent you from participating in the Vitality Programme.
The Vitality Programme is administered, managed and distributed in Indonesia by PT AIA FINANCIAL, a member of the AIA group of companies ("AIA Group"). PT AIA FINANCIAL receives ongoing support from Discovery Limited (a company based in South Africa) and/or its affiliates ("DSY"), the global operators of the Vitality Programme.
Any health or medical-related personal information you provide as part of your AIA Vitality membership will not be provided to the underwriting or claims departments of PT AIA FINANCIAL and therefore will not be used in the making of any future underwriting or claims decisions.
In accordance with your duty of disclosure, you are still therefore obliged to disclose any of this information to the extent it may be relevant in the event of any future application for insurance cover, changes to existing insurance cover or claims under an insurance policy with PT AIA FINANCIAL.

Why do we collect your personal data and how it may be used?

Why do we collect your personal data and how it may be used?
Personal data is collected for the following purposes:
● to process, administer, implement and effect the requests, transactions or membership services under Vitality Programme. In this regard, in addition to any personal data that PT AIA FINANCIAL may collect directly from you, PT AIA FINANCIAL may also need to collect from the Partners information regarding your use of (including progress and results from), the membership goods or services provided by the Vitality Programme Partners (as defined below);
● to design new or to enhance existing services to be provided under Vitality Programme;
● to communicate with you regarding updates and future changes to Vitality Programme, your Vitality Programme membership and account, or this Privacy Statement;
● for statistical or actuarial research undertaken by the AIA Group, Partners, the financial services industry or our respective regulators;
● to assist in law enforcement purposes, investigations by police or other government or regulatory authorities and to meet requirements imposed by applicable laws and regulations or other obligation committed to government or regulatory authorities; and/or
● other purposes directly relating to any of the above.

Who may be provided with your personal data?

Who may be provided with your personal data?
Personal data will be kept confidential but may, where such disclosure is necessary to satisfy any of the above-mentioned purposes, be provided to the following parties, for the implementation purpose
● any of our affiliates and to DSY for the purposes specified above;
● any person authorised to act as an agent of PT AIA FINANCIAL for the distribution of information concerning Vitality Programme;
● Partners and their agents for the implementation of Partner Benefits;
● any agent, contractor or third-party service provider who provides membership servicing support including but not limited to administration, data processing, data storage, call center services, mailing, system infrastructure and operation, website administration, marketing, finance, rewards, invoicing and training;
● other companies who help gather your information or communicate with you, such as research companies and rating agencies, and/or
● government or regulatory bodies or any person to whom PT AIA FINANCIAL (or another AIA Group company) is to make disclosure: (a) under a legal and / or regulatory obligation in that jurisdiction applicable to that particular AIA Group company or Partner; or (b) which the AIA Group company or Partner has agreed to make a disclosure.
PT AIA FINANCIAL shall not be liable for any loss of any kind directly or indirectly arising from or in connection with use of your personal data by Partner and/or third-party service providers in Vitality Programme.
From time to time, the AIA Group may purchase a business or sell one or more of its businesses (or portions thereof) and your personal data may be transferred or disclosed as part of the purchase or sale or a proposed purchase or sale. If the AIA Group purchases a business, the personal data received with that business, to the extent that it is relevant to Vitality Programme, will be treated in accordance with this Vitality Programme Privacy Statement.

Your personal data may be provided to any

Your personal data may be provided to any of the above parties who may be located in Indonesia or outside of Indonesia.
For our policy on sharing your personal data for promotional or marketing purposes relating to Vitality Programme, please see the section "Use of Personal Data for Direct Marketing Purposes" below.

Access Rights to Personal Data

Access Rights to Personal Data
You have the right to:
● Verify whether PT AIA FINANCIAL holds any personal data about you in relation to Vitality Programme and to access any such data;
● Require the PT AIA FINANCIAL to correct any personal data relating to you held under Vitality Programme which is inaccurate; and
● Ascertain PT AIA FINANCIAL policies and practices in relation to personal data.
Requests for access, correction or other queries relating to your personal data should be addressed to:
AIA Customer Care \nPT AIA FINANCIAL \nAIA Central Jl. Jend Sudirman Kav. 48A \nJakarta Selatan 12930 \nIndonesia \nPhone: 1500 980 or (021) 3000 1980 \nEmail
PT AIA FINANCIAL has the right to charge costs that are directly related to and necessary for the processing of any personal data access request.

Use of Personal Data for Direct Marketing Purposes

Use of Personal Data for Direct Marketing Purposes
In addition to the purposes set out above, we intend to use your name and contact details for promotional or marketing purposes including sending you promotional materials and conducting direct marketing in relation to the following products, services, advice and subjects: insurance; annuities; pension fund; wealth management; investment; banking; financial services; credit cards; medical/health treatment; medicine; educational; recruitment; training; reward/loyalty/privilege programmes; travel; airlines, accommodation; apparel; concerts; movies; gymnasium and fitness; sporting and special events; sports and fitness equipment; food and beverage; health supplement; household; media; social networking; spa and similar relaxation activities and other leisure services; telecommunication and mobile services; internet; other retail/consumer products and services; wellness and charitable/non-profitable causes; hospitality services; transportation; electronics; fine art; gallery/exhibition ("Classes of Marketing Subjects").
By joining and participating in the Vitality Programme, you acknowledge that you may be required to directly provide your consent and personal data, such as your name, address and certain other personal data of yours to our Partners. You also acknowledge that by providing your consent and personal data directly to our Partners, you may receive promotional materials, mailings or emails from our Partners with respect to Partners’ products and services.
You are solely responsible for personal data that you share directly to Partner.

Use of Cookies

Use of Cookies
Cookies are unique identifiers placed on your computer or other devices by a web server, which contains information that can later be read by the server that issued the cookie to you. PT AIA FINANCIAL may use cookies on various websites/applications maintain by PT AIA FINANCIAL. The information collected (including but not limited to: your IP addresses (and domain names), browser software, types and configurations of your browser, language settings, geo-locations, operating systems, referring website, pages and content viewed, and duration of visit) will be used for compiling aggregate statistics on how our visitors reach and browse our websites/applications to help us understand how we can improve your experience on it. Such information is collected anonymously, and you cannot be identified unless you have logged on as a member. We use such data only for website/application enhancement and optimisation purposes. The cookies also enable our websites/applications to remember you and your preferences and tailor the website/ application for your needs. Advertising cookies will allow us to provide advertisements on our websites/applications that are as relevant to you as possible, e.g. by selecting interest-based advertisements for you or preventing the same advertisement from constantly reappearing to you.
Most web browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. If you do not want to receive cookies, you can disable this function in your browser settings. However, by doing so you may not be able to fully enjoy the benefits of our websites/applications and certain features may not work properly.